All attacks targeting you\ngain Disadvantage this round.
winged congregation
Gain Flying [fly]
Move [move] 2 [pip]\nHeal [heal] 1\nAffect all adjacent allies
spread the plague
Once during each of your Attack actions,\nyou may POISON [poison] one ally within\nRange [range] 2 (or deal 3 damage if the\nally already has POISON [poison]) to add\n+1 Attack [attack] to the entire Attack action.\n2 [xp]
During your next six Attack actions\nwhere [element-air] is Strong or Waning, you may [element-any]\nto add +1 Attack [attack] to the entire Attack action.
All allies with POISON [poison] suffer 2 damage.\nFor each two allies damaged,\nadd +1 Attack [attack] to all your\nattacks this round and gain 1 [xp].
mass extinction
CURSE [curse] and WOUND [wound]\nTarget all allies and enemies
All enemies with POISON [poison]\nsuffer 2 damage.\n: Suffer 1 additional damage, 1 [xp]\n2: Suffer 1 additional damage, 1 [xp]