Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nThis enemy suffers 2 damage\nat the start of each of its turns.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
swift trickery
Attack [attack] 2 [pip]\nRange [range] 4\nAdd +2 Attack [attack] and gain 1 [xp]\nif the target is Doomed [doom].
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nAll allies add +1 Attack [attack] to all\ntheir attacks targeting this enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
solid bow
Attack [attack] 3\nRange [range] 5
Move [move] 4 [pip]
rain of arrows
The next four times a Doomed [doom] enemy dies,\nperform an “Attack [attack] 2 [pip], Range [range] 5" action.
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nAdd +2 Attack [attack] to all your attacks\ntargeting this enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
frightening curse
The next three times a Doomed [doom] enemy dies\nwithin Range [range] 2 of another enemy, transfer one\nDoom [doom] to that enemy instead of discarding it.
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies, force all enemies\nadjacent to the hex in which it died to\nperform a “Move [move] 1" action with you\ncontrolling the actions.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
Create one 3 damage trap\nin an adjacent empty hex.\nAll enemies adjacent to this trap suffer 2\ndamage when the trap is sprung.\nGain 2 [xp] when the trap\nis sprung by an enemy.
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies, all enemies adjacent\nto the hex in which it died suffer 3 damage.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
crippling noose
Create one 4 damage STUN [stun] trap\nin an adjacent empty hex.\nGain 1 [xp] when the trap is sprung\nby an enemy.
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nThis enemy's Attack, Move,\nand Range are all reduced by 1.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
foot snare
Create one 2 damage IMMOBILIZE [immobilize] trap\nin an adjacent empty hex.
IMMOBILIZE [immobilize]\nTarget one adjacent enemy\nMove [move] 3
felling swoop
Summon War Hawk\n3 [heart] 6 [pip]\nFlying [fly]
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies, Teleport [teleport]\nto the hex occupied by the enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
battle boar
Summon Battle Boar\n2 [heart] 7 [pip]
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies, perform\na “Heal [heal] 4, Self” action.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
vital charge
Summon Battle Boar\n2 [heart] 7 [pip]
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies, perform\na “Heal [heal] 4, Self” action.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
a moment's peace
Loot [loot] 1
Move [move] 2\nHeal [heal] 2\nSelf
Level X
sap life
Retaliate [retaliate] 3\nRange [range] 4
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nEach time this enemy suffers damage,\nperform a “Heal [heal] 2, Self” action.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
fresh kill
Attack [attack] 2\nRange [range] 4\nAdd +2 Attack [attack] and gain 1 [xp]\nif the target is undamaged.
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nAll summoned allies add +2 Attack [attack]\nto all their attacks targeting this enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
Level 2
You gain Advantage on one attack each\nturn targeting a Doomed [doom] enemy.\nAll enemies lose INVISIBLE [invisible] and\nmay no longer gain INVISIBLE [invisible].
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nYou and all allies gain PIERCE [pierce] 2 on\nall your attacks targeting this enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
Add +2 Attack [attack] to all your attacks\ntargeting Doomed [doom] enemies this round.
Level 3
press the attack
Attack [attack] 2 [pip]\nRange [range] 4\nAdd +3 Attack [attack] and gain 1 [xp]\nif the target is Doomed [doom].
Retaliate [retaliate] 2\nRange [range] 2
darkened skies
Attack [attack] 3 [pip]\nTarget all enemies within Range [range] 3\nGain 1 [xp] for each two enemies targeted.
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies, perform an\n“Attack [attack] 2 [pip], Range [range] 3, Target [target] 3" action.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
Level 4
singular focus
Loot [loot] 2
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nYou and all allies gain Advantage on\nall your attacks targeting this enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
flight of flame
Create one 2 damage WOUND [wound] trap\nin an adjacent empty hex.\nWOUND [wound] all enemies adjacent to\nthis trap when the trap is sprung.
Move [move] 5 [pip]\nJump [jump]
Level 5
wild command
One adjacent summoned ally performs\nMove [move] +0\nAttack [attack] +0\nwith you controlling the actions.
Move [move] 3 [pip]\nAttack [attack] 2\nTarget one Doomed [doom]\nenemy at any range
inescapable fate
You may have two Dooms [doom] active\non the same target.\nIf a third Doom [doom] is played on the\nsame target, discard one of the others,\nor if a third Doom [doom] is played on a\ndifferent target, discard both of the others.
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one normal or elite enemy.\nAt the start of your next three turns, advance\nthe marker on this card. After it advances three\ntimes, kill the target and discard the card.
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies, you and all allies\nperform a “Heal [heal] 2, Self” action.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
Level 7
crashing wave
Move [move] 4 [pip]\nAttack [attack] 3 [pip]\nTarget all adjacent enemies\nGain 1 [xp] for each enemy targeted.
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nYou and all allies gain CURSES [curse] on\nall your attacks targeting this enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.
impending end
Attack [attack] 4\nRange [range] 4\nKill the target and gain 1 [xp] if its\nhit point value is less than or\nequal to 2 after the attack.
Add +3 Attack [attack] to all your attacks\ntargeting Doomed [doom] enemies this round.
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nIf this enemy dies within Range [range] 2\nof another enemy, transfer this and\nany other Dooms [doom] to that enemy\ninstead of discarding them.\nWhen another Doom [doom]\nis played, discard this card.
Doom [doom]: Place your character token on\nany one enemy.\nYou and all allies add +X Attack [attack] to all your\nattacks targeting this enemy, where X is the\ndifference between the range of the attack\nand the number of hexes to the enemy.\nWhen this enemy dies or\nanother Doom [doom] is played,\ndiscard this card.